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Tirana Albania Street scene

Guide to thrive in Tirana

Are you a Tirana expat building a new life? Are you a digital nomad passing through? Whatever your situation, we think Tirana, a buzzling city thriving with young innovative talent, is the perfect place to do business or build something new.

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Digital Nomad Work

Digital Nomads – an overview

More and more people want to live self-determined and happy lives and travel on the road. We have been living this lifestyle – digital nomadism – ourselves for several years. It has now been picked up by many newspapers and TV channels after the successes of DNX 2014, 2015, 2016 (Digital Nomads Conference in Berlin) and is touted as a new lifestyle movement. But maybe you have also asked yourself: what is it actually supposed to be, a Digital Nomad and how do I become one myself?

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Digital Nomad Blogs

10 Digital Nomad Blogs

Digital nomadism originated in the USA, which is also reflected in the English-language blog landscape. There are endless blogs dedicated to the topic. My list includes blogs that I’ve been following for years and that inspire me anew with every article. Off they go to the newsreader.

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Coliving Community

10 Digital Nomad Jobs: Start Your Location Independent Business

Which travel enthusiast & wanderlust sufferer doesn’t dream of simply being on the go all the time?! No going back to the office, but being completely location independent and working from anywhere in the world is a dream for many. Check out 10 popular jobs for digital nomads and make your dream lifestyle come true.

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Sights Tirana - Tirana Park

Top sights and activities in Tirana

This is our complete guide to the sights in Tirana. It’s all about the landmarks, attractions and best experiences in the capital of Albania. Plus the most important travel tips with a map of the sights at the end.

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