10 Digital Nomad Blogs

Digital nomadism originated in the USA, which is also reflected in the English-language blog landscape. There are endless blogs dedicated to the topic. My list includes blogs that I've been following for years and that inspire me anew with every article. Off they go to the newsreader.

English language blogs for (aspiring) digital nomads

Before we get started, here’s a little tip for reading blogs efficiently that works well for me, at least. I use Feedly as my RSS reader, where I’m subscribed to over 150 blogs. I check for new articles every day at the same time and scan through them quickly.

Out of the 100 or so posts daily, I usually have 3-5 left that have caught my interest and I read them in full or save them for later (Feedly allows me to mark very good articles and save them in a reading list for later).

Now on to the blogs that motivate, inspire and teach me every week. Thanks to all mentioned bloggers for the great posts.

Digital nomadism originated in the USA, which is also reflected in the English-language blog landscape. There are endless blogs dedicated to the topic. My list includes blogs that I’ve been following for years and that inspire me anew with every article. Off they go to the newsreader.


One of the most important lifestyle blogs in the UK. Not every article is for me, but there are always fantastic lifehacks that save you money, make you more productive or just trigger an “aha effect”.

Click here to go to Lifehacker

Tropical MBA

The blog of the podcast contains not only the show notes but also great articles by Dan about location-independent living and lifestyle business. If you still need motivation for your trip, then go to Tropical MBA.

Click here to go to Tropical MBA

Making it Anywhere

Mish and Rob are a nomadic couple who have built a business around their blog and report on it extensively. They relocate every few months and document everything on the Making it Anywhere blog.

Click here to visit Making it Anywhere

Suitcase Entrepreneur

Natalie Sisson is the Suitcase Entrepreneur and owner of the blog of the same name. The tips given here are very practical and most can be implemented immediately. Natalie also publishes a weekly podcast under the same title.

Click here for the Suitcase Entrepreneur

upWork Digital Nomad Blog

Just a few months ago, the freelancer platform upWork launched a Digital Nomad blog (or rather, a category on the blog). All the posts published so far have been super helpful. Especially if you’re just starting out, you should keep an eye on it.

Here you can find the Upwork Blog

German language blogs for (aspiring) digital nomads.

Even though most of the blogs in this list fall into the category of travel blogs, they are very often about lifestyle and location-independent working. If you are a digital nomad and want to set out into the world, subscribing to these blogs is an absolute must.

Planet Backpack

Conni has turned Planet Backpack into one of Germany’s most successful travel blogs in the last 2 years. And for good reason: she lives the nomadic lifestyle like no one else and reports about it in an open and authentic way.

Click here to go to Planet Backpack


Feli (and Marcus) write about their travels, give tips on working on the road and are the best proof that digital nomadism works great. Get great tips on preparing for your first adventure here.

Go to Travelicia here

Off the Path

Sebastian is the blogger behind the bilingual blog Off the Path. With the motto “Walking the Extra Mile”, he writes about his life as a digital nomad and how blogging can build a successful online business.

Click here to visit Off the Path

Citizen Circle

Tim is not only behind the blog Citizen Cirle, but also publishes a podcast of the same name. Both the blog and the podcast are all about how you can work location-independent and earn money while travelling.

Click here to go to Citizen Circle

101 Places

Patrick’s blog focuses on travel stories and backpacking, but occasionally he shares his own experiences as a digital nomad. Patrick’s writing style is incredibly authentic, which is why the blog was able to celebrate great success within only one year.

Click here to go to 101 Places

More great blogs that aren’t directly related to digital nomadism, but provide plenty of inspiration on your way there:

  • Anti-Uni by Ben for unconventional learning.
  • FlocBlog by Florian for the price-conscious traveler
  • T3n magazine so you don’t miss any digital news
  • MyMonk by Tim for suggestions on personal development
  • TravelRunPlay by Carina as a good example for creative blogging
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